You certainly know some bodybuilder that appear in the magazine monthly, and you desperately want to have a physical like that or at least get a sixpack and proporsion body. You know what, their excercise are not much differ with us. Only the difference between their exercise is they lift of super-heavy weight, and they have a strong genetic than us. But if you have the opportunity to mingle with them, then you will be aware if they consider many small matters that we might not aware of. According to our trivial, such as diet and nutrition and things such as warming up before exercise, weigh / measure the portion of food, make food plan for the next day, etc... Although trivial, but in fact it is the biggest secret that allows them to get their monster body.
I have been involved in the workout program twice a week at the local gym here in North Sumatra. I want to reduce my body weight which is 90 Kg. For an asian man with only 172cm height, i was considered by the instructor as a fat man. That's why i start to concentrate in this program. I want to have the ideal body and get a healthy life. As one of the subject to the program I'm involved in, I learn a few about supplements and healthy diet. And today i want to share with you guys about one of the most important supplement needed by our body when we start working out at the gym whis is "MINERALS". These minerals were supposed to be considered because at some point, they are just as important as other food supply like carbohydrate and protein. Mineral as a micro-nutrition is more important than calories because role in the body physicology, such as support network muscle, growth, etc... So, here is my top 10 minerals that i consume for a better diet.
1. Magnesium: Magnesium is a mineral that most recommended. First because magnesium help produce energy and protein Sintesa. We lost alot of magnesium when we're sweating. So there's a need of magnesium in the body.
2. Calcium: We have this mineral in mass amount in our body, but its difficult to get adequate calcium in the food. As if many bodybuilders only get it from their diet but its very small amount because most of them merely to avoid Fast food and snacks, the diet of bodybuilder usually are high in protein and posphorus, which result in lost of calcium through the urine. Calcium is the minerals that mainly causes of muscle contraction. So calcium is important minerals during the weight lifting exercise.
3. Zinc: identical with the growth of all sectors,including muscle. ZINC rate would decrease after the exercise. ZINC majority in the diet is also low, ZINC is as important as whey protein and creatine so there is no reason not to consume ZINC. Zinc can be obtained from ZMA Supplement.
4. Chromium: This is related to the ability of the body with glucose intolerant. Helping the insulin patch the receptor in the body, so there was distribution of glucose, amino, and fat cells to the body. Chromium on the needs of athletes is greater than the no-athletes. But as a part of the healthy diet, chromium is needed at an adequate amount in our body.
5. Sodium: Electrolyte, which plays an important role in the manage the water body. In the load training, sodium transmitting signals to help nervous and muscle contraction.
6. Phosphorus: Available in the number exceeds the body. In connection with the metabolism olahragakarena produce the energy molecule ATP, and creatine as phospate. It works with the ratio of calcium. Between phosporus and calcium must be equal amount or 1:1 ratio. Phosphorus can reduce lactic acid in the blood during exercise.
7. Iron substances: Help to form haemoglobin, the distribution oxygen and not directly in the production of oxidation energy. The ability is to get you quickly on energy for each set. That's why iron is required while working out at gym.
8. Vanadium: This non-electrolyte mineral is very interesting. Because one of the elements is vanadyl sulfate salt. Vanadium for sea creatures like the iron for the human. Vanadium make the color of blood for sea creatures. Vanadium has latent potential that allows our body to store muscle glycogen in the network. Many bodybuilder who dare to swear that they feel
more muscles of the body after consuming vanadyl sufate.
9. Copper: Is involved in distribution or use of oxygen, enzyme reactions, and also play a role in the production of noradrenaline and increase the flow of blood during workout. Most people get copper in their food but it must be kept at the adequate amount in the body.
10. Potassium: This is the substance that will explode when added into the water. I remember when i was in highschool, in chemistry class, I made a mistake by adding the potassium into the water even the books says don't and what happen is it cracked a glass furnace and i get a detention from my chemistry teacher. This last top 10 minerals is important as the electrolyte for muscle cells, in collaboration with the sodium to manage water in the body. Help the flow of electrical signals between the nervous and muscle cells, which culminate on contraction of muscle. Also involved in glycogen storage. Lack of potassium causes muscle cramps, dehydration,and felt weak. It is very rare shortage Potassium on us because we have got enough from our daily food.
All the minerals above are the recommended minerals for the body. Keep the right dose because lack or over dose can cause a serious health problem. To get the suplement that are rich in mineral substances, you can ask directly to the shop that sell fitness or body building suplement. For beginners like me, I only buy with a small portion. Just to keep it balance with my workout routine.