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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Kaskus RPM Gathering 2010 di Taman Ahmad Yani

Date: 08 August 2010
Time: 01pm - 5pm
Venue: Taman Ahmad Yani - Medan

Tadi siang gue dan temen-temen dari Kaskus RPM ngumpul bareng alias Gathering di Taman Ahmad Yani depan sekolah harapan. Acara ini dibuat oleh Kaskus RPM Regional Medan untuk menyambut bulan puasa/ramadhan yg akan datang di pertengahan bulan ini. Karena kebetulan gue sedang free dan uda lama ga gabung sama mereka jadi gue sempetin buat hadir.

Asiknya, ternyata gathering ini dihadiri oleh banyak kaskuser Medan dari yg senior hingga junior. Gue seneng bisa hadir disini lantaran banyak banget kaskuser Medan yg belum gue kenal, jadi ini menjadi semacam tempat ajang gue kenalan dengan wajah-wajah baru dan terlebih lagi, untuk mengingatkan gue akan nama-nama kaskuser yg sebelumnya pernah gue kenal tp karena gue jarang gabung jadi gue lupa. Yah, gue emang kebiasaan suka lupa nama orang terlebih yg kalo cuman ketemunya cuman sekali, pasti gue langsung mendadak error kalo ketemu dijalan besoknya. :D

Acara gathering mini ini dimulai pukul 1 siang dan dibuka dengan memperkenalkan diri masing-masing anggota. Walaupun gue masih ga hafal nama-nama anggota yg baru gabung, seengganya gue mengenali wajah mereka kalau sekali lagi gathering gue bisa cepet akrab dengan mereka.

Setelah kita memperkenalkan diri masing-masing, acara dilanjutkan dengan makan siang bersama. Kali ini menunya nasi bungkus. Yup bener, nasi bungkus yg seharga 6.000 rupiah dari ZamZam Resto adalah menu makan siang bersama. Gue seneng banget bisa makan bersama temen-temen disini, walaupun cuman makan nasi bungkus, tapi para member ga pernah komplain. Inilah yg gue suka dari Kaskuser di Medan. Makan seadanya, duduk ditempat seadanya yg terpenting bagi kita adalah "Kumpul Bersama" dan bisa "Kenal Banyak Orang".

Setelah makan siang selesai, gue dan temen-temen kaskuser melanjutkan untuk membahas pembuatan kaos regional. Kaos yg akan di produksi masal untuk kaskus RPM ini dibuat dalam rangka untuk mengajak para kaskuser mengkampanyekan kegiatan untuk menanam pohon mahoni dan reboisasi untuk menuju Indonesia Keep Green.

Setelah pembahasan kaos selesai, acarapun ditutup dengan photo bersama didepan monumen Ahmad Yani sebagai kenang-kenangan.
Begitulah gathering kaskus yg gue hadiri, dibawah ini ada beberapa photo dan slide yg bisa kalian liat, dan gue ucapkan "salam kaskuser" buat kalian semua dan pastinya gue akan hadir lagi di Gathering kaskus selanjutnya.

Buat yg ingin melihat photo gallery silahkan kunjungi picasa web ini:

Slide Show

Monday, February 23, 2009

Pimping My Room Part 2

Hell yeah... i woke up earlier today... i was so excited to continue cleaning up my room... i started at 6 in the morning... :) So nice... as u know i've been known as the laziest person who get up almost 11am everyday... If there's nothing to do or having appoinment, i can just keep sleeping till 1 or 2 pm...  But today... i have to change my habit... 

I started up cleaning my bed, changing my bedcover and get a clean blanket. then i moved to the bottom of my bed... hell no.... i can see those spiderman webs under my bed... Get my nimbus 2001 (broom) and start cleaning... took me an hour to clean it up. I've never known if there are other creatures sleeping under my bed... After that i moved to my book shelf... OMG all of my books were covered in dusts... Its an inch thick and i don't know how to clean it. If i used some wet clothes to remove it, it might damage my books and leaves some brown marks... If i used some brush, it will take me ages to do it.... so i come up with an idea... Why not using a vacuum cleaner... Great... I turn it on and *clink *clink broum broum........... dusts are gone. Then...

Mom is calling, she said breakfast is ready... great... i haven't heard my mom shouting like a monster since 2003. that's when i leave my home in Qatar for the first time... So i stop cleaning and going downstair... Nice breakfast today, we have Lontong and Nasi Lemak... (lontong is a traditional Indonesian food and Nasi Lemak is Traditional Rice Cooking with some coconut milk)... I forgot to take a picture of it... After eating my breakfast, mom asked me to drive her to the bus station. She wants to go to Lhokseumawe (North Of Aceh)... 

After dropping my mom at the bus station, i'm going to picked up my dad... he wants me to drive him around Medan City to shop for some househould tools. We went to Jl. Pandu (Pandu Street) to get drilling machine. Then he asked me to go to a shop at Jl. Japaris to buy some water tank (made of fiberglass)... After that, we went to Mesjid Raya (Royal Mosque) to eat fruit salad (Roejak)... Nice... we spend hours talking about our next holiday trip while eating the hottest fruit salad on this planet... While talking, dad asked me if i wanted to get something or want something and i said yes i do... I need a new Monitor.... I need an LCD. As you know my Monitor is still a CRT 17" Type. Its really pain in the ass as you worked hours with that monitor kind because then you'll get dizzy...So i Decided to get a new LCD monitor... 

We went to the computer store... i asked the shop girl about the price of 19" Monitor and i was so surprised. It only cost Rp. 1.500.000 or around $110 for an LG W1941s type. Its not really 19" but 18"5 inch... And i said great, get me one of that monitor... That's just what i need, i don't want to blow to much budget for my living cost anymore because several reasons (well u don't want to know). Althought its cheap or anyone here ever use this kind of monitor before and said its a shit, i just don't care, i tried it out at the shop and it looks great. So i grab one and pay for it...  After that we went to get some lunch at Anugrah Warteg in Jl. Multatuli. I ordered some Bawal Fish and Chickens Barbecue. Dad also ordered the same menu... we go eat eat like hungry hungry... After that we went home... And finally i wrote this post... 

Ok, that's it for today... i really enjoyed going around and spend time with my dad because we don't have a lot of time together... he'll be going back to Qatar in this 8th of march... so i really have to spend more time with him really... 

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Start my day off by pimping my room

Today is the first day after graduation. What a great day to start everything back. What does it mean by starting back? Well, i've been waiting so long for this moment to come... the moment where i do not hear too many complains from my parents about not finishing my bachelor degree. moment to start everything from point 0 where i'm going to set my new life strategy to success...

So, today i'm going to clean my room, the place where i start my day and the place where i end my day.  How can i live freely and comfort if i have a messy bedroom where everything is not in its place, dusts and garbages everywhere... I used to live in this rat hole for too long, yes... i'm a discusting little boy whom never clean my room in my life. not a chance because everyday i used to get out at 7:00am for uni and going home at 11:00pm or later. How would i have a chance to do it. I would like you to see my bedroom before i clean it up...

Messy right???

Ok, today i'll clean up my room, try to give it a pimp a.k.a some new decorations so i would stay in a good warm place and spend more time in my room. I started by cleaning and collecting some cans, clothes, papers, and most of the garbages and everything on the floor. Then i'll tidy up my cupboard, its so messy that i could even find my shoes in my cupboard *what the hell. All clean clothes are not settled in a nice way... so i'm going to get everything out, separated some junk food (yeah i love to keep my chips and drinks in my cupboard so no one steal it :)). Well actually i'm taking out everything in there and put them back in its proper way and right place.  This took almost all my day... i think i would need two more days for this because tonight i have to set my tunes at the News Cafe at 9:00 pm... I just finished cleaning my floor and cupboard. Tomorrow i'll continue to pimp up my room...

To Be Continue...