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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Siapakah Dokter Tersebut?

Pertanyaan ini pernah diajukan ke 40 pekerja kantoran dan hanya 2 orang yg berhasil menjawab. Dari 40 mahasiswa, hanya 10 orang yang berhasil menjawab, dan dari 40 siswa SD, 30 orang yang berhasil menjawab….

Ini ceritanya:
Suatu hari, seorang anak dan ayahnya pergi bersama dengan menggunakan mobil. ayahnya yang menyetir. saat tiba d rel kereta api, mobil yang mereka tumpangi mendadak mati. datang kereta dari sisi ayah(sisi kanan) dan terjadilah tabrakan itu.sang ayah langsung meninggal di tempat. sedangkan anaknya menderita luka berat. oleh warga sekitar langsung dibawa ke RS terdekat..

Tiba di RS, langsung masuk UGD. dokterpun datang untuk segera menangani pasiennya, yakni si anak tersebut. ketika dokter itu melihat pasiennya, ia langsung berkata,”Lah, ini kan anak saya.”

Pertanyaannya: Siapakah dokter tersebut?

(jawabannya ada dibawah gambar ini)

Jawaban: Dokter itu adalah Ibunya

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Si I lagi ngapain?

Test IQ anda :

Ada 9 anak dalam 1 rumah, si A lagi kepasar, si B lagi ntn, si C lagi masak, si D lagi tidur2an, si E lg mandi, si F lg main catur, si G lagi berkebun, si H lagi dandan, nah si I lg ngapain ?Test IQ anda : Ada 9 anak dalam 1 rumah, si A lagi kepasar, si B lagi ntn, si C lagi masak, si D lagi tidur2an, si E lg mandi, si F lg main catur, si G lagi berkebun, si H lagi dandan, nah si I lg ngapain ?
(jawaban yg benar dibawah gambar ini)
Jawaban: si I lagi main catur bersama si F

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

UpComing Event With Saykoji 19 Dec 2008

Hi everyone... i think it might be cool to put the flyer here in my blog for my upcoming event... Frankly i was a bit dissappointed with my artist management. They never use the web as a promotional media partner. Don't know why but anyway... I would love you guys to come and see me on stage kicking some HipHop tunes... This event is been waited for so long by hiphop fans in medan. Saykoji, a name of Indonesian Rap star will be a on the stage too... Owh... last thing, i almost forget to mention, anybody who's coming to this event don't forget to save a 30% discount on your bill. Just get me signed your bills and you'll get a 30% discounts and tax free. See you guys there aight....

Top 10 Minerals needed by the body when you start working out.

You certainly know some bodybuilder that appear in the magazine monthly, and you desperately want to have a physical like that or at least get a sixpack and proporsion body. You know what, their excercise are not much differ with us. Only the difference between their exercise is they lift of super-heavy weight, and they have a strong genetic than us. But if you have the opportunity to mingle with them, then you will be aware if they consider many small matters that we might not aware of. According to our trivial, such as diet and nutrition and things such as warming up before exercise, weigh / measure the portion of food, make food plan for the next day, etc... Although trivial, but in fact it is the biggest secret that allows them to get their monster body.

I have been involved in the workout program twice a week at the local gym here in North Sumatra. I want to reduce my body weight which is 90 Kg. For an asian man with only 172cm height, i was considered by the instructor as a fat man. That's why i start to concentrate in this program. I want to have the ideal body and get a healthy life. As one of the subject to the program I'm involved in, I learn a few about supplements and healthy diet. And today i want to share with you guys about one of the most important supplement needed by our body when we start working out at the gym whis is "MINERALS". These minerals were supposed to be considered because at some point, they are just as important as other food supply like carbohydrate and protein. Mineral as a micro-nutrition is more important than calories because role in the body physicology, such as support network muscle, growth, etc... So, here is my top 10 minerals that i consume for a better diet.

1. Magnesium: Magnesium is a mineral that most recommended. First because magnesium help produce energy and protein Sintesa. We lost alot of magnesium when we're sweating. So there's a need of magnesium in the body.

2. Calcium: We have this mineral in mass amount in our body, but its difficult to get adequate calcium in the food. As if many bodybuilders only get it from their diet but its very small amount because most of them merely to avoid Fast food and snacks, the diet of bodybuilder usually are high in protein and posphorus, which result in lost of calcium through the urine. Calcium is the minerals that mainly causes of muscle contraction. So calcium is important minerals during the weight lifting exercise.

3. Zinc: identical with the growth of all sectors,including muscle. ZINC rate would decrease after the exercise. ZINC majority in the diet is also low, ZINC is as important as whey protein and creatine so there is no reason not to consume ZINC. Zinc can be obtained from ZMA Supplement.

4. Chromium: This is related to the ability of the body with glucose intolerant. Helping the insulin patch the receptor in the body, so there was distribution of glucose, amino, and fat cells to the body. Chromium on the needs of athletes is greater than the no-athletes. But as a part of the healthy diet, chromium is needed at an adequate amount in our body.

5. Sodium: Electrolyte, which plays an important role in the manage the water body. In the load training, sodium transmitting signals to help nervous and muscle contraction.

6. Phosphorus: Available in the number exceeds the body. In connection with the metabolism olahragakarena produce the energy molecule ATP, and creatine as phospate. It works with the ratio of calcium. Between phosporus and calcium must be equal amount or 1:1 ratio. Phosphorus can reduce lactic acid in the blood during exercise.

7. Iron substances: Help to form haemoglobin, the distribution oxygen and not directly in the production of oxidation energy. The ability is to get you quickly on energy for each set. That's why iron is required while working out at gym.

8. Vanadium: This non-electrolyte mineral is very interesting. Because one of the elements is vanadyl sulfate salt. Vanadium for sea creatures like the iron for the human. Vanadium make the color of blood for sea creatures. Vanadium has latent potential that allows our body to store muscle glycogen in the network. Many bodybuilder who dare to swear that they feel
more muscles of the body after consuming vanadyl sufate.

9. Copper: Is involved in distribution or use of oxygen, enzyme reactions, and also play a role in the production of noradrenaline and increase the flow of blood during workout. Most people get copper in their food but it must be kept at the adequate amount in the body.

10. Potassium: This is the substance that will explode when added into the water. I remember when i was in highschool, in chemistry class, I made a mistake by adding the potassium into the water even the books says don't and what happen is it cracked a glass furnace and i get a detention from my chemistry teacher. This last top 10 minerals is important as the electrolyte for muscle cells, in collaboration with the sodium to manage water in the body. Help the flow of electrical signals between the nervous and muscle cells, which culminate on contraction of muscle. Also involved in glycogen storage. Lack of potassium causes muscle cramps, dehydration,and felt weak. It is very rare shortage Potassium on us because we have got enough from our daily food.

All the minerals above are the recommended minerals for the body. Keep the right dose because lack or over dose can cause a serious health problem. To get the suplement that are rich in mineral substances, you can ask directly to the shop that sell fitness or body building suplement. For beginners like me, I only buy with a small portion. Just to keep it balance with my workout routine.

Monday, December 15, 2008

I'm on it - Twitter Trivia Game by NameCheap.Com

Today i'm playing trivia game on twitter all day long... i don't know why i was so excited after winning 2 credits form @cheapname... it feels like i wanted more and more...
For those who don't know about this trivia game on twitter, i suggest you to join the game. It's really simple, just create a new account on Then start to follow @namecheap. Every hour you will get a new update from @namecheap. Its a trivia questions. Quick reply to the question asked by @namecheap with the correct answer. Then wait till the next hour, you will get another update by @namecheap about the winners and there'll be another question. If you don't see your name in the winner list, just try to answer another question and so on.

How to win?
Ok, ofcourse you wanted to know how to win this game. Like any other trivia game, the first person with the correct answer will win. But, twitter comes with a generousity to have 3 winners for each question. So, there'll still a chance for you even if you're not the first person to put the answer. According to my friend nich, he said that the other two winners were picked randomly. That's why no matter how much time it takes you to answer the question, just answer it. But still like i just said to you before, there'll be another question renewed every hour so don't take your time to answer it more than an hour or else you gonna miss your chance.

What's the price for the winners?
Well, i forget to tell you about the NameCheap is a domain registerer company. Its not the largest but it was associated with the ICANN registerer (the official domain registerer organisation). In order to get many new customers as well as twitterise (hehehe... what word is that). They are giving more than $17000 credits. The prices is splitted for 3 winners every hour every day from December 1st - December 25th 2008. So, everytime you win, you will get a $9.69 credit ballance to buy a domain at That's why before you win, you gotta have an account in Just sign-up your free account and integrate your twitter account with namecheap account.

For more information click ->

Owhhh... don't forget to follow me on twitter too -> @agungarifin and i'll follow you back as a return... That's it for today, i don't want to miss another hour because i have to answer them question right now. See you there...


Sunday, December 7, 2008


Weeww... I haven't update this blog about more than a month. I'm stuck on the wordpress tutorials because wordpress currently updating the platform in a very short period. I cannot just create a video and post it because then what happen is the interface will be change so does everything and the video will look confusing to follow as the instructions might change a little and need to be updated again and again... But, i don't give a hell to that and what i'm going to update today is the blogger tutorials. it's quite fun with blogger because its user panel doesn't change so much like wordpress did. I created a video and ready to post it in youtube and please do make some support although its in Bahasa Indonesia. I also going to fix few changes to it as well... if you want to have a look at it please do so. Click >>

The other things i'm going to do today is to do some preparation and project planning for forum. I created this forum yesterday with a lil help of mr.nich and adieska... They are cool people who will help if you asked them a favour. We isntall a phbb forum engine... today i'll create some category for the forums. also some settings due to admin control panel.

Oh yeah... i really miss my bro zalukhu... i want him to see the new running... he's a real tutor for blogshop u know... great affiliates guru and internet marketer. It's his idea to start my own DJ tutorial site... come to medan bro... we miss you since the Kopdar Telkomsel...

that's all i'm going to do today and hopefully it will be done before 5 in the afternoon...

cheerss... oyeah follow me on twitter, i just create one: let see how i flow these days...

My 2nd post to the world

hellow mellow...
This is my second time to write my online diary. As usual, i was holding an english-indonesian dictionary for guiding me through words in english. Let see how i come up with the english aight...
ok, today is december 06 2008, i just got so many misscalls and sms on my new k-touch E60 mobile phone. People were calling to book me on various events that would be held this month and offered different values of money for it. 3 offers for the new year eve event which are great and also confusing... and 3 for the 12th and 1 for the 21st. I try to write it all down in my little agenda and try to decide which offers I'm going to take.

Actually i want to make a poll on this blog but since my blog is brand new, i have to save it for myself and so after 30 minutes i did come up with some results. For the 12th, i'll be in Aceh, Langsa is the place. They offer me 2.3 millions rupiah which is equal to about $190... (ooo... you guys might think what kind of offer is that... to small for a dj...) well... in my country with that money you can almost buy lotta stuffs (3 shoes, 3 jeans, 10 t-shirts, and more...)... actually the reason to take this event is i've never been in that place before. I don't really care about how much money i could get but I thought it might be fun as well as benefficial for me to rock the new place so i can do some sort of promotion and make new links to people.

The second choice i've made is for the 21st. Actually there'is no choice for it so i will take this offer. I'll be playing in the D'News Cafe at Jl. Dr.Mansyur, Medan. Saykoji the rapper from jakarta and one of the best national rapper will be in my control. i take this offer because D'News Cafe is fun. Loud speakers, cool place, and lot of hot girls would be another best offer for the gig. You know sometimes people have to decide what really matters to them when doing a gigs. I'm not a superstar dj so i have to admit that i would really want any offer and play as much as i can so people know me better.

right... this is about the last offer for the new year eve... a friend of mine in jogja were calling if i can do a gig in Java Island. I said, i'll think about it. The reason is its too far from my homeland. Last year i celebrate the new year eve there. So, this year i want something different... then 2 days after he called, another friend of mine call if i can do a gig in Kota Pinang. Its still in North Sumatera Province and take about 6 hours ride or less from my area. They offered 2.5 millions... i said its great but i've been there before. I didn't have great time before, the villagers aren't so nice to me. They thought i was a bad influence... "No DJ can play in this area... this is a holly city" that's what in my mind just like what happen last time. I didn't give the answer yet, i don't know why they offer me back a gig. Well though decision for the offer... now third offer is to play in a private party. In a Karaoke room... they offer 3 millions for a gig. Well good money but still, its a private party... don't you expect more to see like fireworks and crowds in new year eve? I was confused with the new year eve gig. Too tough for me... i would like to hear from anybody who read this entry...

Friday, August 1, 2008

Hello World!

Hi, my name is Agung Arifin. I'm an Indonesian and currently live in Doha and Medan. I'm a 24 years old student at the Islamic University of North Sumatra - Indonesia and taking last year of Business Management program.

This is my first post on this blog, I dont really know what to say here because I dont blog long enough and really have no talent on writing up stories. But maybe if you are so kind, just bother this first post and read on my other post, because right now, the coke im drinking doesnt give any effects at all.

Can i skip this intro??? yes please... :D

What am I going to blog?
I will blog anything I could post about my life story, about the city i live, the hood, friends and most of news that people talked about on TV or anything that would take my attention. The plan on this blog is there is no plan... that's why I'm not running this blog in a specific niche or anything like others do... I just go ahead, sign up for blogger and here Im and there you are reading this post.

Can i skip again??? yes yes yes yes... go ahead... say last word...

Last but not least... I just want to say HELLO WORLD....
